![]() |
everythings I know someone can know what I know .. soo please don't match anything from me it is same .. don't match me confirm I'ill hake u .. never back never back never back .. how dare u ?! |
Hhhhmmmm ~
halo dear !
huahua ! like the haunted ? ggoosshh !! haha .. lickylickylicky ..
haha . LOL right ? okay .. this is me .. i like this pic c0z its
so smartes pix ^_^ oooopppsss !! n0pe smartes but smart only right2x ?
okay okay okay okay ... FULLSTOP !! huhahuahua ..
nk berjenaka pulaaakkk .. name : Neayra Maira :)
sdp nme tuhh .. kerh3x .. FULLSTOP !!
oooopppsss !! i'msosorryn so sorry ..
b'c0z i'm niy dax ckola ajeerrhh ..
not form .. :):):):)
lickylickylicky ..keanyknn kbnykn
sesetngh org kacukn from china ..
oooopppsss !! sorry sorry .. China
and Malaysia .. but i kacukn Malaysia and English
mngkin dha pndai English
kkk0000uuuuwwwttt ... hehehe ..
kbyebye .. tqtqtq to reading my new post or bloggie :)
senyum smpai ke telinga :):):):):)
Thanks for Reading , Yaw !
haha . LOL right ? okay .. this is me .. i like this pic c0z its
so smartes pix ^_^ oooopppsss !! n0pe smartes but smart only right2x ?
okay okay okay okay ... FULLSTOP !! huhahuahua ..
nk berjenaka pulaaakkk .. name : Neayra Maira :)
sdp nme tuhh .. kerh3x .. FULLSTOP !!
oooopppsss !! i'm
b'c0z i'm niy dax ckola ajeerrhh ..
not form .. :):):):)
lickylickylicky ..
sesetngh org kacukn from china ..
oooopppsss !! sorry sorry .. China
and Malaysia .. but i kacukn Malaysia and English
mngkin dha pndai English
kkk0000uuuuwwwttt ... hehehe ..
kbyebye .. tqtqtq to reading my new post or bloggie :)
senyum smpai ke telinga :):):):):)
Tutorial for chat
let's chat at my shoutbox ..
"click" dkt tepi dinding .. and "click"
and then give your "name" and "website"
thnks !!!
Thanks for Reading , Yaw !
"click" dkt tepi dinding .. and "click"
and then give your "name" and "website"
thnks !!!
Yela tuh ...
aq ckp ngn k0w bkn dgn tunggul !
dy ckp " yela tuh ..." knpw k0w ,
ske ckp yela tuh ! yela tuh ! yela
uh !bnci arh sma lu!! aq bkn nyew
nk hine tp kal0w k0w dha mg cmtuh
nk wt perh ?? mg ddhar pntang hine
jerh br0w !! 0k larh
kalo k0w dhar x ske aq
tpe larh ..
agy nk jd bf aquh ??
setakt mat yg tataw
nk wt cm nerh tak ?
0k lar
je larrhh ..
Thanks for Reading , Yaw !
dy ckp " yela tuh ..." knpw k0w ,
ske ckp yela tuh ! yela tuh ! yela
uh !bnci arh sma lu!! aq bkn nyew
nk hine tp kal0w k0w dha mg cmtuh
nk wt perh ?? mg ddhar pntang hine
jerh br0w !! 0k larh
kalo k0w dhar x ske aq
tpe larh ..
agy nk jd bf aquh ??
setakt mat yg tataw
nk wt cm nerh tak ?
0k lar
je larrhh ..
This is !
this is TELUN . this is cat .. :D
Telun is very active gurlz ............
Telun have three colours ..
fur Telun is very soft !!
I like her fur ...
hehe . Telun is very naugthy
Telun old is 6 years ..
when Telun came to my house
Telun is hungryy !!!!!!!!
and Telun ate my Cats
feeding .. Telun is very cute CAT
hihuhuhu .. ^_^
Juz now :)
juz now i've post some new post .
so ? It's funny ? cool ? sad ?
i thing n0t sad b'c0z it juz
that why name
uuurrrmmm ??
it's so difficult to believe right ?
it's okay
it's okay
it's okay
it's okay
I kn0w that ..
but , but , but , but
uuuuuuuurrrrrrrrmmmmmmm ?
dizziness is ..
tq tq tq for reading my blog new post .. :)
love u all who reading my blog :)
Look at me !
everytime I wanna see u at same places but why u run of me ?
I'm juz wanna be urs .. it's can't to me ? why ? why ? why ?
Look , look at me babe ! difficult to u want consider me as urs frenws ?
I'm juz wanna be urs frenws ..
that all !!
is it difficult to u want cosider me as urs
0uh ! I kn0w why u can't accept me
bc0z u've a GIRLFRIENDS ?
that why u can't accept me ?
He said : I'm so sorry baby ..
I said : For what ??
He said : bc0z I hurt u
I said : juz forgetten ..
So now u want accept me ?
like that ajeeerrkk ?
c0me on !!
Look , Look at me !!
u can't accept me P0N !
it's 0kay !
but I hope u and her can be 4ever eva eva eva eva eva eva eva eva !!
Aq lg sukeeerr !
lg skerr ..
k0wg niy mg fed-up ++ lmbt pickup .
arrrrhh ..
ecececeececechhh ..
cm pena 6pak jerk pic niyyy ..
knn3x ?
apa yg telh blku ??
aq lg suukeerr !!
haha ..
i'm niy
n0t clever much
like this ..
i'm clever BI
Bahasa Inggeris
my freindss
said i
s0 arrogant
about BI
but when she
d0nt kn0w about BI
wh0s can teach her ?
ofc0z I am !!
shess s0
unlike of me ..
but i can be unlike too
to sheess
hate arrhh !!
h0w about shes be me ?
ofcoz she too proud
about she
clever about BI rigth ??
people do not talk very !!
Buntu Sudaaa
ni kple suda jd
bunntuuu ..
da tak taw nk wt
per agy ..
:( huuuaaahuaaa
4 my followers ..
penah hack my
blog kah ??
damnn !! why blog jd lmbb
mamp0sss !!
sl0wlyy ..
if u dont want to be
my followers
i'm 0kay saja !!
sukeeee k0uwt ..
ngerhrrrhrhrh ..
juz fed-up :)
Kakak Adik !
kakak ngn adeQ
sme jee !!
bersme kakak yg tersyg ??
kwn d00ww !!
bkn kakak !!
Name : Farah Izzati wif
Mohd Amirul Zakwan
Benci 0wg JHT !!
haaal0003x !!!!
Thanks for Reading , Yaw !
lu igt k0wg niy per aha ??
tetibe ajerrr !!
heeeyypp ??
perrr siak k00 ??!!!!
tetibe crik psl ngn gua ??
Nk ! Nk !
aq nk tngk movie
hikayat merong mahawangsa
shnteQss taaa ??
hikhikhik >.<
6paks SEMARTTT !!
tmpng lalu ..
Serngkap Pantun : lex lu, tmpng lalu
sye suke,apee apee ??
Bace ajeerr !!
nk taw ta ??
sy kn plng ta ske time kawn sy
gemukss nmenye : Baderiah :
ngn iteemmsss nmenyer : Farah Izzatti:
ngn ket0dsss : Nur Farhana :
cuuzzz !! bajerk gileee !!
sumer dyrng ckp, smuenyer nk bet0lll !!
taderk yg slh tawwuu ??!!!'
benci aww aq !!
nk taw knpe aq bnci ngn dywng ?
peerrh !! aq niy ckp "aq kau seeyhh"
grm p0n
ader !
tpe la ...................
0wg dah bnci nk wt gap0 y0 ?
taderk hlngn bg dywng
dy egt kn aq niykkkk KAYU BALAK
dyrng perww ??
surr0000 ajeerrr......................
k0wng sdr ta ?
k0wg yg mle kn dulu
kal0 aq ckp !!
smuenyer ta bt0llll kng !!!!!
benci aww !!
Create by : Eiyeen
Suke ! Suke !
aq ske time at ck00l agama
ia mnkjub kn ??!!
"ac-l tetibe ckp pc-l ni ??"
nk taw cite ??
aq x ske chegu yg bnyk kenangn
at ck000ll !!
nme nye : ROZIYATUN :
:( c-ian taw ki0wng !!
tak ske daaaahhh
katenye !!
ape seeyhh ??
aq p0n tataw pe aq tu-liz niy seeyyh !!
k-0wng taw ?
aq lg tataw !!
:D relex br0w !!!
Citew Lawak !
td at ck00l kiterng ade 6pak s0wg
mamat niyyhh
dy ckp
"k0rng nmpk cheguu...
puukk !!
jatuh !!
kitrng tawe lekekk2 seeyhhh
pas2 ckp agyh "korg nmpk chegu Azarizan tak ??"
ktwng smbil tawe smbil jawab "TAAAKK !!"
One day, Atun Ameirahtul sdg belajar tiba2
seorng lelaki yg sgt !! kacakk
melihat lelki itu
pas2 dy berkata
"hensemmm nyyeeerrr !!"
lelki nyer brkate pl0k
"ap0 muh kecek ?? aquh dok pehe keh"
Atun Ameirahtul p0n KAGET !
ww00aaahh !!
hensem2 p0n
klntn jugk erk ??
aq p0n nymp0k
"wwaaahhh2 !!!
pakwe k0 ker ??"
Atun Ameirahtul pon brkate "DIAM ARH !!"
lelaki tuh nme nyer Azeim Aeiman
gg000dd !!!!
hensem giler keh ?!!!
hihihihihihihi !!!!!
Create by : Eiyeen
Heyp !!
hallo tawan2 ~~
lme da x dgr citew yerk ?
buzy cket arh ..
sory aw !
lg uen
dak kecik
ner leyh
cgt ! nt ibu marah woo ..
k0rng per kaba ??
have a nice day bebeh !!
at ck00l sy ske sangt ckp
Example : 'Tunggu jp larh bebeh !"
hihi .. ^_^
Create by : Eiyeen
nt citew agy !! :P :)
eheemm3 ?!
suare niy kn !!
uurrm :(
ske arh !!
npew yerk ?
buuuuuu !!
aq tnk !!
cm ner niy ?
seb beQ
tak sck00l
Create by : Eiyeen
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