
peerrhh !
esok der klc
p, taank gy cuz naa ciap an
bju2 naa gy Kelantan ,,
esok amek mc arh ,,
ffuuhhh ~ 
law taaderk surat cm ner naa cuti an ?
okee ! 
amek jer arh surt mc yg dlu2 :D
t selase 
ru gy ckool
cuz esok mtpljrn nyer x bez n vry scaryng me :D:D
heheehe ..
shhoooiitt ! jer an ? 
okee !!
now, I'm so hepy cuz t law gy Kelantan my cuzen yg mek fetch i 
hehe .. I loike !!
okee !! bye2 :*
Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

Now , I'm known who I am

okay ! now, I'm known who I am
don't secret about this cuz everyone did know 
who I'm ,
I am is so damn, stupides and anythings is bad2 badly
I dunt want u all make like me .. 
who everyone .
I'm the bez,
You the bez, 
We're the bez !!!
that word what I know time at kamping
uuuurrrrmmm .. today, I'm not at school 
cuz Sekolah Agama Seri Bahagia, Tahun 5
not school ,,,
okayyy ,, daadaadaaa ,,, .
Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

fs acl xleyh status ?

ntah , kow tnye aq psl ?

U ask Me, I answer

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

sape ade blog? link?

yes , I'm !!

U ask Me, I answer

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

if you click "ask your followers" to this question, you can find out who follows you


U ask Me, I answer

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

hit the ask follower button if you love your mum

haha ,,

U ask Me, I answer

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !



U ask Me, I answer

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

Are you beautiful?

maybe ?

U ask Me, I answer

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

YOU.ARE.BEAUTIFUL/CUTE/PRETTY/HANDSOME. -Sent to everyone because no one is ugly <3

thengs ,, ok !

U ask Me, I answer

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

if your happy and you know it , press ask your followers :D

ok !

U ask Me, I answer

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

Cpe2 nk jdi adq angt aq??? Cll 6be ni 0177191394

klo xnk ?

U ask Me, I answer

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

What was your favorite childhood meal?

everything ?

U ask Me, I answer

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

kje kawen doeq !

peeewwiiittt !!
brposng jp at dewan an ,,
aq nan akk aq ,,
dy urh ske cgt suh aq posng cm gye dy ,, ;p
(nipu koh hang ?)
(nipu sunat)
minumm jeerr  :D
jlezz mok !!
Aman : t , aman bleq Jb ,, bab t nk ngok sedre ,,
pastuh t kite jmpe at tmpt biasew ,, ea ?
Nea Ein : ok cyunk Aman ,, :* hhaha ,, 
Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

Heemm ,, heemm ,, heeemm

suore i x elok arh ,,
hhhmmm ,,
sbo jer la mok !
qoe niyh suore acl lak 
qoe serak ea ,, ?
hhhmmm ,,
sbo jer la !
aaaiiissshh ,, 
suore2 ,, suore2 ,,
dipnggl oleyh sesuatu ,, 
ookkaaayy !!
                                                       Nextt !!
hahaa ,,,
mkew xnaa cm bru bngon 
ttiidduuurrran ,,
kn ??
okkaaayyy !!
                                                    Nextt !!

wwaaahhh !!
kemain agyh ?
ke mok ?! alahai ,, aryniyh lapor la lak ,
td da gy kje kwen ,, p apekehe nyhh nyyh ?
asyk dok lapoq jaq ??
td naa beli Ice-Blended 
p x bkak ,, shhhoooiiittt ,, jaq kn ??
ookkaaayyy la ,, thengs for reading my blog ,, ;P
Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

hary2 !!

hry2 mzti kne marh.
itulh inilh,
cubit2 aq pas2h  
pkul2 owg ..
qoe egt x cket ker hah ?
tp hty aq agy cket awh !!
kalo qoe ase aq ni ptut di pkol .
ato ptot dibunuh . 
knpw qoe tank wt dr dlu agyh ?
klow qoe egt aq niyh ptot kuar dr uma
npew qoe x buat bnde yg qoe nk ?
qoe kte aq niyh ank PUNGUTAN !
tp npew aq mseh dirumh yg sme dn aq taw
aq bnyk dose arn .. 
tayah koyah doeq !!
Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

Sinar mu SAHABAT

Seterang cahaya mentari,
seteguh kasih ilahi,
nikmati kesyukuri,
seorang insan bernama SAHABAT SEJATI,

 dulu ku kesepian,
meniti onak berduri,
mencari sesuatu,
yg tidak kunjung tiba,

 satu sinar memancar,
hidupku kini disinari kehadirannya,
pahit manis kukongsi bersama,
 terima kasih SAHABATKU .........
:D:D:D hope you all like my PANTUN yah ? 

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

Hhhhmmmm ~

hhmm ... ??
ary mken ary , mken BENCI 
at dy . :P
uuuwwweeeeelllkk ..
aq taw lar aq ni ank angkt
yg pling JAHANAM ?
qoe egt aq ckew cgt at qoe ?
TADERK MKNE arh doq !!
jgn jdik BODOH arh ..
 Aman said : acl bongk cgt NURUL A224
uew ?
dy kte aq ank pungut dkt tong smph ato at longkang
x ker sket aty ? 
bhkn aq mencrut jer .. 
tp cbb ini laman SOSIAL
kn ?
hhhhmmm ~ dlm aty nQ blz dndam .
tp skunk bkn mse nyyerw ..
tunggu da bsr br

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !


hello everybody , someone need a something what I need ? hhhmmmm
boring okey ! now I'm very happy bc0z today is my anniversary :D
hehe ... Aman and Nea Maira
I saje jer nk ltx nme Nea Airin Aira hahahahaha ...
very very very very and truely appy okeyy .. hhhhmmmm ??
what can i do ? Ohh' Aman Nea Maira agx2 arh cket ?
aq bkn nk sgt kow tuu .. aq cme nk kow bhgie nan anniversary kitw ?
Thanks for Reading , Yaw !