Still feel sad

I'm so sad about u all
kprgian kucing msih trbyg
di mindaku
cannot accept both of them 
gone !!!
I CAN'T !!
hhhhmm ,,
da lme jge dy dn mmbsr kn dia
takan nk biar dyrg pegi cmtu je 
kn ??
especially both of them mother
lg la ,,
ngiaw2 crik ank2 dy ,,
sedih nyerr !!
tabole nk terima la
kn ?!
mmg la,, da tabole nk buat ape da,
bab time kami2 tngk
da tabole di selmtknnn 

We're can't accepted 
especially my sis
my sismate
asl dgr nama : Kontot wif Tompok
mmg tabole nk reda
cuzza akn mnangis pabile
dgr nme tuh ,,
nk nges lg laa ,, :(
Still feel sad about you both
Wrote by : Nea Mun 
I'm cannot accept that

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

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