Selamat Hari Raya !!

Selamat Hari Raya !!
u alls da beli bju aye lom ?
I daaa ....
Slippers u alls ?
I Angry Birds <3
I've shoes too !!
U alls ?
hheeerrrrrmmm ....
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin
if i ade salah and silap .. Please Forgive Me ! :)
Maaf kamu pon di terima 
tema bju u alls ape erk ?
saya oren2 gittuuuhhh , 
x santeQ snd la kn ?? hhhrrrmmm
Visit My FB :D
Untuk my bf Hapy2 selalu je la ,,
Especially my fam
and my frwn
jmput dtg umah untk aye 
at sini da ri0h men mercun ,silap2 mlm niy terbak0r tngn ..
nnt slh kn org ajk ank aw0k men mercun ,, 
gggg000ssshhh ..
kbye2 , jumpe es0k 
busy la skang
tp my clothes and everythng da FINISHED !!! 
SELAMAT HARI RAYA !!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for Reading , Yaw !

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