heemmm ..
hye u olls !
sy rindu u olls and
my belongging .
surry if belog tak menrik .
hhmm .
bosan lha .
sbnrnye niey taderk apeape po0n
nk kungsi
apeape .
LOL lha nea .
setiap hary nk teringin
nk update posting
at belog neyy .
tpy , kalo dha tibe jer
tataw nk citew psl ape , hahahaa

bOlat kecid bolat
besar .
syg semua <3
nea suke tyme nea buwad
mukew comel cm Nea . (hahahaha)
perasan lebeyh siakk !
lgu jerk sedeyh , tpy posted
GEMBIRA toyol !
gud mownink olss .
dha lastlast bwu nk kap GUD MOWNINK
hihu ..
all country , gud mid night :)
I love you all .
surry , tuka nme and
tuka URL <3
suryyyy taw ...
create by :: Nea Mun
bloggie name :: Cherenta PelikPelik <3
URL bloggie :: http://story-cherentakunea.blogspot.com
URL bloggie :: http://story-cherentakunea.blogspot.com
thnx viewing my blogg <3
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